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For creative entrepreneur women and small business owners ready to attract their ideal clients.

branding  &  website design 

I'm here to help you elevate your life and business dream! 

I love working to help bring you strategic results that attract your ideal clients.

Hi, I'm Karen!



Got a feeling that it may a good time for a rebrand?

Here are five reasons to help you know if the time is right for you.

1 – Your Brand No Longer Reflects Your Vision

A good brand vision is one that is clear and specific.

An effective strategy for establishing a meaningful company vision is to find the reason why you started your business in the first place.

One way to maintain your business vision, is to make sure that your brand message is communicated consistently in every marketing context. A clear vision will help guide you as you make decisions about developing your products, branding, and other aspects of your business. It will also inspire you when things get tough or when there are obstacles in the way.

There is a risk involved when you allo your brand to evolve without a  plan or a purpose.

It can lead to confusing or mixed messages. It can also cause you to lose customers and hard-earned sales because they no longer trust what they see. They may respond by moving on to other brands that have a clearer vision of where they are headed. Rebranding can help you to start over on the right foot and align your business with your vision and where you are desiring to go.

2 – Your Target Market is Not Well-Defined

How well do you know your target market?

A business with a well-defined target market can target their message more specifically, and more effectively. When you know your customers intimately you are going to have more success than a company that is trying to run after every client. It’s not a simple task to find your target market, let alone to define it. However, it is a very important process that should be taken seriously.

A rebrand can help you niche down and define who you are designed to help.

By defining specifically who you are meant to serve, you can better identify what their needs are and how you can meet their needs. This can help you in the long-term by making it easier to scale your business by focusing on those who are most likely to buy from you.

3 – Your Brand Lacks Differentiation

Does your brand look the same as your competitors?

Can your customers recognize your brand a mile off? Or do your products blend in with everyone else in your niche? Lack of differentiation is what ultimately encourages the customer to switch from one brand to another.

There are several ways in which you can separate your brand from others. One of the most important factors for distinguishing a brand from competitors is price, but there are other aspects that can be discussed as well, such as having a unique business model or a superior customer service.

Having a point of difference is the key to successful marketing.

Some companies even use humor in their branding and social media posts. This is a great way to try and catch your audience’s attention because everyone loves a good laugh. Other companies focus on the quality of their products and make sure they are superior to others in this niche. If you are having trouble finding how your business stands out, then maybe a rebrand can help you to choose how you would like to show up differently.

4 – Outdated Visuals Have Not Caught Their Attention

Besides your headline, your visuals are the first thing people notice when they encounter your brand.

The new era of marketing is all about visual content. With so many visual mediums and platforms, it is easy for companies to create visuals that are both attractive and engaging for their customers. However, many brands are still using old-fashioned graphics on their websites or social media channels, costing them potential customers and profits.


Could your visuals do with a complete transformation?

A rebrand could be just the thing you need to launch your brand-new style! Cohesive visuals help to create consistency and a recognizable brand. Companies that invest in the visual side of their communications are more likely to stand out and will be perceived as more professional.

Cohesive visuals are important for brands because it points to their professionalism and quality of work. It is important to balance the use of color, fonts, and images in order to include everything necessary without using too many or too few elements.

One of my favorite ways to help keep consistency in my branding is to use images and mockups from Moyo Studio. They have a huge range of aesthetically pleasing images to choose from. Click on the image below to check them out. Just enter the code BRANDBEAUTIFUL15 to receive 15% of your purchases.


*This is an affiliate link, so I may receive a small payment if you decide to purchase from them.


5 – You Are Struggling to Raise Your Prices

Are you struggling to raise your prices for your products and services?

There seems to be a fear among small business owners that they may lose customers if they have the wrong price attached to their product or service.

There isn’t really a wrong or right time to raise your prices. However, when it comes down to it, you should charge what the market will bear. Small businesses need to calculate the demand of their product, the cost of production, and what their competitors are charging while also considering local market trends.

But really, I believe you should just go with what you are comfortable charging to start with, then gradually increase from there as your offer increases in value.

Many designers are now using value-based pricing, which looks at the perceived value you create for the customer, rather that the cost of deliverables or hours worked.

Brand strategy is a great way to show the value you bring.

If a small business has been able to achieve great customer satisfaction, they might believe that their services are worth more. A rebrand my help you to focus on just how much value you provide and help you to feel more confident to charge more for your service.


In Conclusion…

If you are new to business and it just doesn’t seem to be going the way you hoped, or you’ve been in business a while, but you’re not attracting your ideal clients or customers, then a rebrand will help you to have a fresh new start with a brand new look as well as a new strategy to build the brand of your dreams.

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